Curious Cat Moves Bed Every Morning. There May Be A Medical Reason Why

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Fluff Twins

Fluff Twins

Poncha does something peculiar every morning without fail. After waking up, the handsome black cat moves his bed from one area of his home to another—a move that may be puzzling to onlookers who don’t know the whole story.

A creature of habit

It’s funny and pretty adorable, sure. But could there be a more important reason why Poncha feels the need to transport his bed from the living room to the kitchen at his home in Berlin, Germany?

Those must be some strong teeth you got there, Poncha. / Fluff Twins

Those must be some strong teeth you got there, Poncha. / Fluff Twins

Cats do lots of bizarre things that may seem nonsensical to humans. But for Poncha, there could be a good reason why, according to experts.

A breath of fresh air

Poncha was diagnosed with chronic feline asthma as a kitten. It’s a respiratory condition that most clinicians believe is caused by an allergic reaction to one or more inhaled irritants. Many cats with the condition experience coughing, gagging, vomiting, or difficulty breathing, among other symptoms. Because of this, Poncha uses an inhaler twice a day to keep him safe and comfortable.

Poncha has become a pro at using his inhaler every day! / Fluff Twins

Poncha has become a pro at using his inhaler every day! / Fluff Twins

It makes sense that asthmatic cats may be more susceptible—and thus more aware—of their surroundings. That’s why some experts believe certain behaviors by asthmatic felines, such as moving their bed into a different area of the home, may be explained by the cat’s desire to improve their environment.

In other words, Poncha simply prefers the air quality in the kitchen to that in the living room, and he doesn’t care who knows it.

Poncha keeps a watchful eye guarding his castle. / Fluff Twins

Poncha keeps a watchful eye guarding his castle. / Fluff Twins

To Poncha, it seems a change in scenery can be a literal breath of fresh air. Fortunately, with reliable treatments and routine check-ins at the vet, cats with feline asthma can still live long, happy, and healthy lives.

You can stay up to date with Poncha and his furry siblings by following Fluff Twins on Instagram and TikTok!

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About Amy Brown-Towry

Amy Brown-Towry is a Certified NAVC Pet Nutritionist and animal lover. She is the proud owner of two cats and a dog and her love for animals has led her to a successful career as a freelance writer specializing in pet care, nutrition, and product reviews.

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