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Outside stray cat c...

Outside stray cat care

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Joined: 3 weeks ago
Posts: 1
27/01/2025 11:50 pm
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I've been feeding an outside stray for the past couple years now.  He will never be an indoor cat bast as I can tell, but he does show up promptly every night for his free dinner.  Unfortunately this daily feeding has just attracted another, much larger and more aggressive feral and the fighting and yowling has begun.  What is the best course of action?  Should I stop feeding the stray to prevent more cats from showing up?  I can't afford to put out more food than I already am, as it's pretty much just the "left-overs" that my two spoiled indoor brats don't eat.  Any suggestions? 

1 Answer
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Joined: 5 years ago
Posts: 91
30/01/2025 6:46 am


Hi Daniel

Thank you so much for feeding the stray cat! It's wonderful to see people like you stepping up to help animals in need.

Feeding strays can positively impact their lives, but it's essential to be aware that cats are opportunistic and can quickly learn where to find food. This may encourage other cats to come around, leading to more strays relying on your kindness.

If you want to help more effectively, please get in touch with a local animal rescue organization or shelter. They can provide guidance on the best practices for caring for stray cats, including options for spaying/neutering to control the population, and might also offer support in finding homes for these cats. Additionally, they could help with resources for feeding, sheltering, and ensuring the cats receive any necessary veterinary care.

In the meantime, until you get help, it is best to provide separate feeding areas for both cats to avoid any fights.

Here are a few organizations to reach out to:

The Humane Society of the United States


Neighborhood Cats

Alley Cat Allies


Thanks again for your compassion and proactive approach!
