Pokemon is one of the most beloved and popular games turned anime series of all time. Hailing from Japan with its ever-expanding whimsical cast of characters with adorable designs, Pokemon has captured the imaginations and hearts of kids and adults alike.
If you happen to be a fan of Pokemon, then it’s only natural that you would want to christen your kitty after a favorite Pokemon.
Here are 150 cute Pokemon names to consider for your cat.
- Absol – A beautiful and terrifying Pokemon.
- Alder – The Wandering Champion of Unova.
- Alola – Gen. VII region based on Hawaii, lots of islands, and perhaps the most unique region.
- Archie – The leader of Team Aqua, and one of the antagonists in Gen. III
- Ash – The main character of the Pokemon TV series.
- Bede – The Gen. VIII rival who becomes a gym leader.
- Bianca – One of the Gen. V rivals, and assistant to Professor Juniper.
- Bidoof – A sweetly goofy and clumsy Pokemon with big, gopher-like front teeth.
- Brawly – A young surfer specializing in fighting type Pokemon.
- Brock – A young man who falls in love easily and is one of Ash’s first traveling partners. A rock gym leader in the first game.
- Byron – A steel-type gym leader.
- Calem – The player’s male avatar in Gen. V, or the rival if you are playing as Serena.
- Cheren – One of the Gen. V rivals, who later becomes a gym leader in the sequel.
- Chili, Cress, Cilan – Three trainers who work together as the gym leaders of Striaton Gym in Unova. These three brothers all possess very different and distinct personalities. A great trio of names for three kitties!
- Clefable – Evolution of Clefairy.
- Clefairy – An adorable fairy Pokemon with a connection to the moon.
- Colress – A researcher and second boss to Ghestis on Team Plasma seeking a way to draw out the true strength of Pokemon.
- Cosmog – A bizarrely cute starry cloud legendary Pokemon.
- Cynthia – The champion of Sinnoh and an archaeologist.
- Cyrus – The leader of Team Galactic seeking to create a world without spirit, and the antagonist in Gen. IV.
- Dawn – One of Ash’s companions, and the female player avatar for Gen IV
- Delcatty – The friendly-looking evolution of Skitty.
- Diancie – An adorable crystalline Pokemon with cat-like ears.
- Diantha – A famous actress and champion of Kalos.
- Drayden – Mayor of Opelucid city and dragon-type gym leader.
- Eevee – One of the most popular Pokemon, perhaps rivaling even Pikachu. Eevee is known for having a wide variety of evolutions, or “Eevelutions.”
- Entei – This lion-like fire Pokemon is a member of the legendary beasts trio from second generation.
- Espeon – The Psychic Eeveelution. A nice name for a cat that you suspect has a highly developed sixth sense.
- Espurr – A psychic bipedal gray cat Pokemon.
- Eterna – One of the cities in the Pokemon game world.

Eevee – One of the most popular Pokemon, perhaps rivaling even Pikachu. Eevee is known for having a wide variety of evolutions, or “Eevelutions.”
- Faba – A researcher for the Aether Foundation and antagonist.
- Fantina – Gen. IV gym leader specializing in ghosts. Comes from a foreign mysterious land.
- Flareon – The Fire Eeveelution. A great name for a red-haired cat, or one with a feisty personality.
- Fuschia – One of the cities in the Pokemon game world.
- Galar – Gen. VIII region based on England.
- Gardenia – A gym leader in Sinnoh, specializing in grass Pokemon.
- Gary – Ash’s first rival and the grandson of Professor Oak. His first Pokemon is Eevee.
- Ghestis – The antagonist in Gen. V, leader of Team Plasma, and one of the Seven Sages.
- Giovanni – Boss of Team Rocket, gym leader in Gen. I, and father of Silver.
- Gladion – An enforcer for Team Skull turned player ally.
- Glameow – A proud-looking cat Pokemon.
- Glaceon – The Ice Eeveelution. A fitting name for a snowy white cat.
- Goh – Ash’s friend and a protagonist in the reboot series, Pokemon Journeys.
- Guzma – The blowhard boss of Team Skull. An antagonist early on, he has an epiphany and turns helpful later.
- Hau – The name of the Gen. VII rival and friend.
- Hisui – Ancient name for the Pokemon region of Sinnoh.
- Hoenn –A wildly popular region in the Pokemon world. Based on Japan.
- Hop – An upbeat trainer and the brother of Leon.
- Igglybuff – A singing balloon-like Pokemon.
- Iki – One of the cities in the Pokemon game world.
- Incineroar – The final evolution of Litten (see below), who becomes a powerful bipedal dark/fire Pokemon.
- Iris – A dragon trainer, and originally the gym leader in Opelucid.
- James – One of the three core Team Rocket members constantly harassing Ash.
- Jesse – One of the three core Team Rocket members who are constantly harassing Ash.
- Jigglypuff – One of the most popular Pokemon known for ever so sweetly singing its opponents to sleep.
- Johto – Another region based on Japan.
- Jolteon – The Electric Eeveelution. A cute name for a jumpy or peppy cat.
- Kabu – An unrelentingly positive gym leader who specializes in fire Pokemon.
- Kalos – Gen. VI region based on France. It is star-shaped with Lumiose City in the center.
- Kanto – The first region where the first Pokemon games occur. Based on Japan.
- Kiawe – One of Ash’s former classmates in Alola, hoping to one day become an island kahuna.
- Koga – Ninja and gym leader in Kanto who specializes in poison.
- Konikoni – One of the cities in the Pokemon game world.
- Korrina – A roller derby girl and the gym leader in Kalos who specializes in fighting Pokemon.
- Lance – A dragon trainer, champion, and one of the most iconic Pokemon masters.
- Leafeon – The Grass Eeveelution. If you have a kitty who enjoys his or her time lounging on the lawn, this could be a clever name.
- Leon – The champion of Galar who gives the player their first Pokemon in Gen VII.
- Liepard – The evolution of Purrloin, a sleek purple, and yellow catlike Pokemon.
- Lillie – One of Ash’s companions and a major story character in Gen VII.
- Litleo – A fiery lion cub Pokemon.
- Litten – A cute fiery kitten Pokemon.
- Lt. Surge – A gym leader in Kanto, and a war veteran specializing in electric Pokemon.
- Lucas – The male Player avatar for Gen. IV.
- Lusamine – One of the antagonists in Gen. VII, Lusamine is the President of the Aether Foundation.
- Luxio – A cute serious looking evolution of Shinx.

Leafeon – The Grass Eeveelution. If you have a kitty who enjoys his or her time lounging on the lawn, this could be a clever name.
- Luxray – The evolution of Luxio.
- Lysandre – The boss of Team Flare and the primary antagonist of Gen VI.
- Malie – One of the cities in the Pokemon game world.
- Mallow – Trial captain on Akala Island. Loves grass Pokemon and cooking.
- Marnie – The Gen. VIII rival and sister to Piers who becomes a gym leader. Gothy and cool.
- May – One of Ash’s companions, and the female player avatar or rival in Gen III.
- Mew – One of the first, and perhaps most popular legendary pokemon. A cute cat containing the DNA of all pokemon.
- Meowstic – An evolution of Espurr, with a beautiful bushy tail.
- Mewtwo – A powerful humanoid clone of Mew.
- Meowth – The Cat Pokemon. Popularized by Meowth of Team Rocket, Meowth is a talking Pokemon.
- Milo – A gym leader specializing in grass Pokemon. A gentle and laid-back farmer.
- Mimikyu – A popular ghost Pokemon known to look terrifying, but is actually so sweet, it hides itself in the form of other Pokemon.
- Misty – A young girl with a feisty temper and one of Ash’s first traveling partners. She is also a water gym leader in the first game.
- Munchlax – A lazy Pokemon that happily eats all day!
- N – This simple name belongs to a rival turned friend in Gen. V. A very caring boy who was raised by Team Plasma.
- Nurse Joy – In every Pokemon Center, you’ll find one of these pink-haired sisters.
- Officer Jenny – Everywhere you go in the Pokemon world, you’ll be sure to find the blue-haired Officer Jenny.
- Olympia – A celestial-robed gym leader in Kalos who uses psychic Pokemon.
- Opal – A gym leader with an extravagant style who specializes in fairy Pokemon.
- Paldea – Upcoming Gen. IX region, rumored to be based on Spain.
- Perrserker – A special evolution of Meowth with a big beard and a sword.
- Persian – The evolution of Meowth, popularized as the main Pokemon of Giovanni, leader of Team Rocket.
- Pikachu – The most iconic Pokemon, this electric yellow and black Pokemon is instantly recognizable.
- Po – One of the cities in the Pokemon game world.
- Professor Birch – Gen. III Pokemon professor specializing in habitats.
- Professor Elm – The Gen. II Pokemon professor specializing in Pokemon breeding.
- Professor Juniper – Gen. V Pokemon professor specializing in the origins of Pokemon.
- Professor Kukui – Gen. VII Pokemon professor specializing in moves. He has a secret identity as the masked wrestler The Royal.
- Professor Magnolia – Gen. VIII Pokemon professor specializing in Dynamax.
- Professor Oak – The first and most famous Pokemon professor that gives the player their first Pokemon in Gen. I.
- Professor Rowan – Gen. IV Pokemon professor specializing in evolution.
- Professor Sonia – A young professor in Gen. VIII who is taking over for her grandmother, Professor Magnolia
- Professor Sycamore – Gen. VI Pokemon professor specializing in Mega Evolutions.
- Purrloin – A purple leopard cub Pokemon.
- Purugly – A tough-looking evolution of Glameow.
- Pyroar – A fiery lion Pokemon.
- Raihan – Dragon-type gym leader in the Galar region.
- Raikou – A member of the legendary beasts trio from the second generation. A cool electric tiger.
- Saffron – One of the cities in the Pokemon game world.
- Serena – A performer and traveling companion of Ash In Kalos. A female player avatar for Gen. VI.
- Shauna – A rival and friend in Gen. VI.
- Shinx – An electric lynx/tiger-style Pokemon.
- Silver – A rival in Gen. II and son of Giovanni. An antagonist turned good.
- Sinnoh – A Gen. IV region, and location for the popular Legends of Arceus game. Based on Japan.
- Skitty – A cute pink cat Pokemon.

Pyroar – A fiery lion Pokemon.
- Slowpoke – A popular Pokemon known for being, you guessed it – lazy.
- Snorlax – Evolution of Munchlax, this darling Pokemon sleeps almost constantly.
- Solgaleo – One of two possible Cosmog evolutions, which happens to be a sun lion.
- Sophocles – The trial captain of Ula’ula Island and electric-type trainer. A major nerd who loves gadgets.
- Sprigatito – One of the newest starter Pokemon. It is a mystery how it will evolve – much like how a kitten grows into a cat.
- Suicune – A water Pokemon.
- Sylveon – The Fairy Eeveelution, and perhaps the most popular one due to how dang cute it is.
- Tierno – The name of the Gen. VI rival and friend.
- Togepi – A beloved egg Pokemon that is a fan favorite.
- Umbreon – The Dark Eeveelution. A cool name for a black cat.
- Vaporeon – The Water Eevelution. If you have one of those rare water-loving cats, maybe this name is the one!
- Victini – An extremely rare Pokemon that is pretty darn adorable.
- Viola – A professional photographer and gym leader who specialized in bug Pokemon.
- Viridian – One of the cities in the Pokemon game world.
- Tapu – One of the cities in the Pokemon game world.

Vaporeon – The Water Eevelution. If you have one of those rare water-loving cats, maybe this name is the one!
- Tate & Liza – A fun couple of names for a duo of cats. Co-gym leaders in Hoenn who are twin psychics.
- The Royal – Professor Kukui’s Luchador persona, and a really fun name for a cat!
- Torracat – The evolution of Litten and a fiery, mischievous-looking cat.
- Undella – One of the cities in the Pokemon game world.
- Unova – Gen. V region based on New York City. Often considered underrated by diehard fans.
- Vermillion – One of the cities in the Pokemon game world.
- Violet – One of the cities in the Pokemon game world.
- Volkner – Gym leader in Sinnoh specializing in electric pokemon.
- Vulpix – An adorable and beloved fox Pokemon.
- Zeraora – An electric, yellow, bipedal, and legendary cat Pokemon!
- Wally – A sickly boy and one of the two rivals in Gen. III.
- Whitney – A gym leader in Johto with normal Pokemon.
- Wobbufet – Evolution of Wynaut. Popularized as a member of Team Rocket.
- Wynaut – A cute but somewhat annoying Pokemon…I feel like cat owners can relate to this.
- Wyndon – One of the cities in the Pokemon game world.
Whether you name your kitty after a cat-styled Pokemon or another Pokemon that just seems to fit your little one’s personality, this name list is a pretty good place to start! We hope you found a fun Pokemon name to give to your feline friend.