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Wet/Dry Cat food calculator

This tool helps you determine the perfect feeding plan for your feline friend. Based on your cat's weight, you'll receive a tailored recommendation for daily caloric intake for your cat food brand.

STEP 1: General data
Cat’s weight (lb)
Please enter cat's weight (lb)
STEP 1: General data
Cat's age
Please enter cat's age
STEP 1: General data
Spay/neuter status
Spayed or neutered
Not spayed or neutered
STEP 1: General data
Cat's Body Condition

Please select the number that best describes your pet's body condition:

Ribs, backbone, pelvic bones stick out. Loss of muscle mass present. Severe tummy tuck and dramatic waistline.
Cat's Body Condition 1
Ribs, pelvis, backbone easily palpated and somewhat visible. Severe waistline and tummy tuck.
Cat's Body Condition 2
Ribs, pelvis and backbone palpable with a thin layer of fat covering. Waistline and tummy tuck obvious but not severe with more gradual curves.
Cat's Body Condition 3
Ribs covered with heavy fat layer requiring finger pressure to feel. Difficult to feel backbone or pelvis. Waistline not apparent. Tummy tuck still slightly visible.
Cat's Body Condition 4
Ribs and backbone not palpable under thick fat layer. Abdominal distention projects downwardand outward . Fat deposits on legs, face and over tail head covering pelvis.
Cat's Body Condition 5
STEP 2: How many food give to your cat?
Choose type of your cat food

Which type of food you feed your cat on everyday base? If it’s not the one type, choose in %.

Please choose type of your cat food
Only Wet Food
Only Dry Food
STEP 2: How many food give to your cat?
Choose type of food in %

Which type of food you feed your cat on everyday base? If it’s not the one type, choose in %.

Please choose type of your cat food
Wet Food
Dry Food
STEP 2: How many food give to your cat?
Choose type of food in %

Which type of food you feed your cat on everyday base? If it’s not the one type, choose in %.

Please choose type of your cat food
Wet Food
Dry Food
Didn’t find your cat’s food in the list?
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Wet/Dry Cat food calculator